Journal reviewer hub



Reviewer code of ethics

All reviewers are asked to abide by the reviewers’ code of ethics as outlined within our ethical policy, where reviewers must:

  • Disclose any competing interests before agreeing to review a submission, as per the ICMJE recommendations.
  • Evaluate each manuscript for its intellectual content without regard to race, gender, age, sexual orientation, religious belief, ethnic origin, political philosophy, citizenship, domicile or institutional affiliation of the authors.
  • Review manuscripts with reasonable speed and efficiency.
  • Treat the manuscript as a confidential document.
  • Conduct the review objectively and avoid any personal criticism of the author.
  • Express views clearly with supporting arguments.
  • Inform the Editor of any substantial similarity between the manuscript and any other paper of which they have personal knowledge, whether published or concurrently under review elsewhere.
  • Comment on ethical standards concerning protection of patients or animals.
  • Inform the editor of suspected research misconduct (e.g. data fabrication).


Points to consider when reviewing

Consider whether or not the manuscript is within the journal’s remit. Should you feel a manuscript does not meet this remit, please make a note within your comments.

You will assess the quality of the manuscript and rate it based on the originality, mythology, soundness of science and level of contribution to the field. 

You also recommend acceptance, rejection and/or revisions.

Important topics to consider during your review are:

  • Importance (clinical or otherwise) of the work.
  • Appropriateness of approach or study design.
  • Soundness of conclusions and interpretation.
  • Relevance of discussion.
  • Clarity of writing and soundness of organisation of the paper.
  • References up to date and relevant.
  • Appropriateness of the title, figures and tables.
  • Detail any ethical concerns that you may have.


Recording peer review

Bioscientifica has partnered with Clarivate to bring you their Web of Science Reviewer Recognition Services (formerly Publons). Integrated within Bioscientifica’s ScholarOne accounts, the service enables all reviewers to automatically record their extensive career of peer reviewing.

For anyone just starting out you can gain practical experience in peer review with the Web of Science Academy, through their free peer review training course. You'll write real reviews with one-to-one guidance from a mentor, and gain exclusive access to their Review Template and examples.

Upon graduation from the course, you’ll have the confidence you need to begin your reviewing career in the world of scholarly publishing.

You can also use the platform to build your reviewing skills. Visit the Web of Science Academy to find out more.