
Bioscientifica understands that librarians are central to scientific communities, and we maintain close relationships with hundreds of information professionals around the world.

Librarian resources

Free trial: Get free online access to our entire journal collection for 3 months for your library, with no obligation to purchase.

Read and publish

Bioscientifica understands that librarians are central to scientific communities, and we maintain close relationships with hundreds of information professionals around the world.

The four subscription journals (with their latest Impact Factors) are:

Endocrine-Related Cancer – 4.1

Journal of Endocrinology – 3.4

Journal of Molecular Endocrinology – 3.6

Reproduction – 3.7

Society for Endocrinology Archive

The Society for Endocrinology Archive is an online collection of material published from 1939 to the end of December 1997 inclusive. There are over 10,700 articles and 93,000 pages in the archive. It is hosted online and PDFs are text searchable.

The Archive includes papers from:

  • Journal of Endocrinology from volume 1 in 1939 to December 1997;
  • Journal of Molecular Endocrinology from volume 1 in 1988 to December 1997;
  • Endocrine-Related Cancer from volume 1 in 1994 to December 1997.


Why did the Society digitize the back volumes?

As a non-profit organization, the Society for Endocrinology is dedicated to the advancement of scientific and clinical education and research in endocrinology. By making the papers from 1939 available online the Society fulfils its mission and provides the endocrine community with a valuable archive of key papers relevant to endocrinologists today.

The Society is grateful to the University of Bristol Library, the Roslin Institute, Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies, University of Edinburgh, and AstraZeneca, who provided copies of the early volumes.


How is it accessed?

Institutions can acquire the Archive by paying a one-time fee for outright purchase and perpetual access, or as an addition to their annual subscription to Bioscientifica journal packages.

For more information, see the current price list below, or contact [email protected].

Bioscientifica journal packages offer additional content at a deeply discounted price.

If the library wishes to develop its collection and subscribe to other Bioscientifica journals then please get in touch with [email protected] for more information.

To find out more view our journals' prices below.

Bioscientifica now has an EZProxy Stanza enabled, which can be found here:

Further information regarding EZProxy is available:

Bioscientifica endorses KBART (NISO KBART website/UKSG Information Hub) and is a registered participant.

For link-resolver suppliers, all details pertaining to our titles are available for download as  TXT or XLS files that conform to the KBART Phase I Recommended Practice.




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Journal prices


Please find below Bioscientifica journals' price list for not-for-profit organisations. Prices are for single site access only. If you require pricing for multisite access, through a consortium or for a corporate organisation, please get in touch with [email protected]

  Online Print & online Online Print & online
Region Journal of Endocrinology Journal of Molecular Endocrinology
UK £1,891 £2,363 £1,714 £2,143
Europe €2,728 €3,410 €2,497 €3,122
North / South America $3,409 $4,261 $3,051 $3,814
Rest of World £1,891 £2,363 £1,714 £2,143
Region Endocrine-Related Cancer Reproduction
UK £1,757 £2,196 £2,089 £2,611
Europe €2,549 €3,187 €3,022 €3,777
North / South America $3,062 $3,828 $3,859


Rest of World £1,757 £2,196 £2,089 £2,611

Region Society for Endocrinology Archive
UK £5,592
Europe €8,386
North / South America $10,963
Rest of World £5,592

If you are interested in purchasing additional content, you may be able to save money with a tailored package price for your institution.

To purchase your subscription, or for any other sales queries, including pricing for corporate and government institutions and multisite access, please contact us.

View the full Terms and Conditions for each journal below:
Endocrine-Related Cancer
Journal of Endocrinology
Journal of Molecular Endocrinology



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Read and publish


Bioscientifica is committed to making the research published in its journals accessible to the widest possible audience. We’ve introduced a ‘Read and Publish’ agreement as an alternative to the traditional subscription model.

Institutions who sign up to the agreement get unlimited access to all Bioscientifica journals , plus free open-access publishing for corresponding authors in these titles.


Free open-access publishing – Are you eligible?

Bioscientifica is committed to making the research published in its journals accessible to the widest possible audience. We’ve introduced a ‘Read and Publish’ agreement as an alternative to the traditional subscription model.

Corresponding authors at participating institutions get unlimited access to all current content in our four hybrid journals, and free open-access publishing.

Participating journals:

Institutions currently participating in a Read and Publish agreement with Bioscientifica are:


United Kingdom

  • Imperial College London
  • King's College London
  • Newcastle University
  • Queen Mary University of London
  • Queens University, Belfast
  • Royal Veterinary College
  • Ulster University
  • University College London
  • University of Birmingham
  • University of Bristol
  • University of Cambridge
  • University of Edinburgh
  • University of Nottingham
  • University of Oxford
  • University of Sheffield

Rest of the World

  • Rockefeller University, USA
  • Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), Mexico
  • University of Geneva, Switzerland
  • Universidad de Concepción, Chile
  • National Taiwan University
  • University of Amsterdam Medical Schools
  • Rutgers University
  • University of Hong Kong
  • University of Gothenburg
  • University of Sydney
  • Lund University
  • University of Tokyo
  • Michigan State University
  • Weill Cornell Medical College
  • Cleveland Clinic
  • Hebrew University of Jerusalem
  • University of California San Diego
  • Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum
  • University of Utrecht


In order to qualify for free open-access publishing:

  • A single author at a participating institution must take on the role of Corresponding Author during and after publication.
  • This author will act as the main contact for communication with the journal throughout the peer-review and production processes.
  • The same individual will be listed in perpetuity on the published article's Version of Record as the Corresponding Author
  • This Corresponding Author must use their official institutional email address, from one of the institutions listed above, to qualify for free open-access publishing.


If your institution is not in the above list and you'd like to publish open access for free, please download the Librarian Recommendation form and send it on to your Institution's Librarian or Open-Access Officer.

Why choose a read and publish agreement?

  • Transparent and cost-neutral pricing.
  • Easy to administer: one annual fee covers both usage and publishing.
  • Helps your institution to meet funding requirements, and to make open access the default publishing choice.

Find out more

To find out how a Read and Publish deal could benefit your institution, email Ceredig Williams: [email protected]



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Free trial

Get free online access to our entire journal collection for 3 months for your library, with no obligation to purchase.

Simply submit your details below.

We will use the data you that supply on this form to administer your free trial, and to communicate with you about Bioscientifica journals that your library may be interested in subscribing to. Your data will be stored securely, and deleted within three years.

Please note, free trials are set up using your institution's IP address. Trials are only valid for Bioscientifica products not currently subscribed to.



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Online access and usage reports & your sales representatives


Your library’s users will have access to your online Bioscientifica subscriptions once payment has been received and the correct IP addresses are associated with your PubFactory account.

Access to the management portal is via

Your account username and password will have been sent to the email address supplied by the library. This will allow you to download COUNTER-compliant usage data and check the correct details are registered.

If you experience any difficulties, or require any updates including changes to IP addresses, please contact our customer services team.

Bioscientifica works closely with a trusted network of sales representatives across the globe, enabling you to easily discuss your subscription requirements in your own language and time zone. 

United Kingdom

Ceredig Williams
[email protected] 


North America



Charlesworth Group
Jo Xing
[email protected]



USACO Corporation

[email protected]


EaZy Solutions
Ayşegül Ciner 
[email protected]



Albertina Icome Bratislava
Lucia Polednikova
[email protected]

Czech Republic

Albertina Icome Praha
Jakub Petrik
[email protected]


Latin America

Anouk Snijders
[email protected] 


Julia Rebuzzi
[email protected]



If your region isn't represented here, our in-house sales team will be happy to help you.

Ceredig Williams
Email: [email protected]
Tel: +44(0)1454 64 22 50


