
How are articles being read, shared and cited?

Authors often need a quantitative way of demonstrating the impact that their research has made in academia and beyond. Funders are increasingly looking for this information to help justify their expenditure.

How are your articles being read, shared and cited?

Authors often need a quantitative way of demonstrating the impact that their research has made in academia and beyond. Funders are increasingly looking for this information to help justify their expenditure.

Bioscientifica offers a way to track and measure the attention your article is getting, providing traditional usage data (number of article views) as well as Altmetric data.

Altmetric provide non-traditional data by tracking a selection of online indicators (both scholarly and non-scholarly) to give a measurement of digital impact and reach. This information is used to generate an article’s Altmetric Attention Score.

How to find an article’s usage data?

Navigate to the article’s abstract or full text on the journal website. You will find a tab labelled 'Article Impact', which shows the number of times the article has been viewed or downloaded, together with the Altmetric donut and score.

How is the Altmetric Attention Score calculated?

The Altmetric donut visualisation provides an at-a-glance summary of the online attention that an article has achieved. The different colours represent the sources in which the article has been mentioned. Each source is assigned a value based on its impact, for example, a newspaper article contributes more than a blog post, which contributes more than a tweet.

You can sign up to receive alerts each time your research is mentioned.

With a little effort you can actively influence how widely your research reaches, rather than waiting for people to find it.