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ISE selects Bioscientifica as its association management provider
Bioscientifica partners with TNQTech to manage journal production and proofing processes
Clarivate announces 2023 Journal Impact Factors
Launch of new open-access journal: Microbiota and Host
Bioscientifica welcomes new Non-Executive Director, Ruth Andrew
Bioscientifica acquires European Thyroid Journal and moves journal to OA model
Bioscientifica launches new open-access journal Endocrine Oncology
Bioscientifica events team wins silver award for conference development
Bioscientifica Trust launches COVID response fund of up to £5,000
2019 journal impact factors released
2021 price freeze for Bioscientifica journals
Bioscientifica wins Silver Award for Best Operations Team
COUNTER 5 Update
2018 journal impact factors released
Bioscientifica makes the shortlist for two Conference Awards
Bioscientifica launches ScienceOpen Collection
Bioscientifica journals now on Sheridan PubFactory
2017 impact factors released
Announcing the launch of Vascular Biology
Kate Sargent appointed joint-chair of ABPCO
Bioscientifica partners with Enago
Bioscientifica launches author resource centre
Bioscientifica partners with Sheridan PubFactory
2016 impact factors released
Bioscientifica pilots platinum open access
EDM Case Reports indexed in Emerging Sources Citation Index
Bioscientifica reports impact factor growth
Endocrine Connections is now indexed in Science Citation Index Expanded
Bioscientifica collaborates with Kudos to help authors explain research
Echo Research and Practice is now indexed in PubMed
Altmetrics now available for Bioscientifica articles
In-article videos now available on Echo Research and Practice
Announcing our partnership with ReadCube