BioHorizons Research Summit

A series of intimate meetings specifically designed for biomedical researchers to discuss unpublished and novel data with other leaders in the field. These meetings provide an opportunity for ground-breaking data to be reviewed in a closed environment to pioneer advancements in science and health.

BioHorizons Research sSummit




A series of intimate meetings specifically designed for biomedical researchers to discuss unpublished and novel data with other leaders in the field. These meetings provide an opportunity for ground-breaking data to be reviewed in a closed environment to pioneer advancements in science and health.

Attendees will gain insight into new techniques and results, whilst having an opportunity to build strong networks with their peer group through informal networking opportunities.

These meetings aim to:

  • Advance science via the dissemination of unpublished and novel data within your specialism.
  • Enhance your professional reputation by sharing of unpublished and novel data with leaders in your field.
  • Gain valuable insights and techniques to improve the quality and impact of your work.
  • Expand your professional network by connecting with peers working in your specialism, fostering new collaborations and opening doors to career opportunities.